./m --compsci

senior capstone project

in partnership with CGI, we were tasked to design and create a web application to receive and track donations for a generic client. i and another team member were tech leads for the backend portion of the application.

this application was written in java using the springboot framework. my colleague and i were already very familiar with java, so this was a decision born out of convenience as well as java being a practical and easy language for web applications. we used stripe to spare us from learning financial programming in a <6 month period and to offload maintenance onto a third-party.

capstone design document

virtual memory implementation

team project for operating systems course at ULL. course was taught almost entirely within a 1996 release of UC Berkeley's Nachos. code within this codebase is an uneven mix of c and pre-release c++, some times existing in the same files and sharing syntax in the same line.

our team was tasked with implementing virtual memory in a limited operating system as to allow multiple simple programs to run concurrently, as well as allow programs that required more RAM than available to utilize virtual memory to achieve their task(s).

please be aware that this code is unlikely to run on your machine. you will need a virtualbox instance of nachos through an older release of ubuntu. i no longer remember the version nor have access to the .iso i was given.